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电话: 13430550101
姓名: Carrie Zhang
Apt-Tooling (H.K)Co., Ltd

  Founded in 1995, Apt-tooling is a professional Mold Maker, dedicated to mold design & mold fabrication. Over the years, we've built an excellent reputation for providing big, middle and small plastic injection molds,die casting molds, for customers from all over the world. As well as mold design,can serve to take your product manufacturing project from initial concept (even a napkin sketch) right through to production. Your success, for both now and the future, depends on adapting to changes. We use our experience and technologies to give you the best value, minimize waste and maxmize both quality productivity in our manufacturing. ...

主要产品/业务: 1.鑄壓模 2.注射模 3.吹塑薄膜機頭 4.硬管機頭 5.中空吹塑成型模 6.真空成型模

Apt-Tooling (H.K)Co., Ltd / 广东 / Shenzhen Guangdong Province, China (518000 ) / 电话:13430550101

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